Tuesday, June 15, 2010

And bringing up the rear...

Ok, so in honor of our birthday here at MiM, I thought it would only be fitting that I chip in my tribute about a week or so late. Though I have been repeatedly accused of making readers cry on this blog, and in fact my favorite posts admittedly DO fall into the category of tear-jerkers, I'm not completely a one trick pony. Occasionally I find comedy in the intersection of medicine and mothering, and here's my proof. If I should be known for anything on this blog, it would have to be lateness. Every topic day/topic week, I am dead last to contribute if I manage to contribute at all. Usually it comes at about midnight on day #7, but since it's our birthday, I thought I would sleep in and make my contribution a whole week or so late. Happy Birthday, MiM! And many more!


  1. Again, I haven't back read, so I have loved getting links to great posts from the past this week. The interaction of science and motherhood was fantastic.

    And I can certainly empathize with your nanny issues - my first had sarcoidosis, I was a resident, and I found myself being more of an emotional support to her than to anyone in my own family. Not to mention she traveled at the drop of a hat with a band (the members were blind, she was a helper - all wonderful but not good for me). When she started taking my daughter to dr. appts. without telling me and asking for weeks off two days in advance, over and over, I had to call it quits.

    My baby nanny for C and J, who is now my housekeeper 2 days/week, was and still is a godsend. She showed up rain, sleet or shine - always available and the kids loved her. She doesn't drive or speak English, so I had to hire a new girl this summer to shuttle the kids to swim and camps while I am at work - they are finally, for the first time at 7 and 5, having a real summer and not in day care or at home most of the time. They are having a blast.

    This summer nanny is 19, studying to be a nurse in college, and working evenings making pizzas. She is such an emotional support for the kids, and texts me all day long intermittently with questions and tiny anecdotes. I am plugged into my kids at work in a way I have never been before. It is amazing. Additionally, she is a child of divorce, so is wonderfully empathic with my kids while they are going through this process with me and my ex, this summer. I feel like I won the lottery.

    Nice late post, Tempeh!

  2. Late or not, you are a fantastic writer and glad to have your contributions any time! So, so glad to have (re)connected with you via MiM!


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