Thursday, December 25, 2008

Moms: Adopt a resident today!

Quick public service announcement:

The wintertime, especially around the holidays, is a really depressing time for residents. Especially interns. There's nothing like being on call during the holidays, driving to work while it's still dark and knowing you'll be up all night and won't be going home till the next day. That you'll be away from your family, your spouse, your child on a holiday that's all about togetherness. It's a time when a lot of sleep-deprived interns are pushed to their breaking point.

So if you're someone who works in a hospital as a doctor, nurse, or professional patient, do something nice for one of those depressed residents stuck in the hospital through the holidays. A few kind words, a cookie, a much-needed hug, etc... it's all good!


  1. I'll certainly do that when I see the residents in the peds unit where I work!

    By the way, if you don't mind, please donate to Bruin Run/Walk at UCLA. It's a 5K run/walk, and all donations go to the Child Life/Child Development program at Mattel Children's Hospital UCLA.

    Thank you so much!

    Happy Holidays!

  2. Here's the donations site.


  3. That's a very nice thought - I remember being on L&D nights intern year for Christmas eve and day. I just about hated anyone who came in and said "merry christmas!" since it was my first one away from family on the other side of the country...

  4. As an intern, I can say that thought is greatly appreciated :) A kind word goes a long way.


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