Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Women's March on Washington

When Trump was elected into office, a small movement began on Facebook, one that resulted in the largest march in history. When I texted KC, it was still in its infancy. I had the time blocked off for a conference in Vegas. I've never been to Vegas, but decided it could wait another year. "KC, do you want to march?" "Yes." I booked plane tickets to D.C.

I know KC doesn't want this blog to be political. Neither do I. I've read all the perspectives, Trump garnered many of the votes. I've read lots of essays and novels: I get why so many women and men voted for him; it's a vote to try to change a corrupt system. His presidency is a blip in history; albeit one causing a lot of anxiety. While there were many signs that were anti-Trump, there were many more that were pro-women. That's why we gathered. For Democratic principles.

My friend Ramona knitted us the requisite "kitty-kat" hats. I think we looked adorable. Her daughter, age 12, got the third one and wore it better than we did Saturday night at dinner in their home.

KC and I, in front of the Air and Space Museum, Women's March, day after the inauguration.

For those of you who think we even knew where the speakers were, kudos, because we couldn't figure it out. There were so many women. At one point, we tried to get next to the Jumbotron, and regretted it when we were squashed and shoved and it took us thirty minutes to travel thirty feet to the freedom of the Washington Mall. I watched the speeches the next day on YouTube. 

Nothing lost in missing the speeches though. We saw lots of women and men with posters. We took pics. We found a high perch, relaxed and ate almonds and Cliff bars. When it was time to March at 1:15, we traveled to the marching site nearest us.

At 2:00 we still hadn't moved. A few women and men started chanting: "Forget the March on Washington, we are taking a Stand. This is the Stand on Washington." I got defensive. "I'm marching, if only in place. It's still a March. My feet are cold. It counts, right?"

At long last we eventually joined the March. It was everything my pulmonologist friend from Philly, one who I tried to meet but missed, raved about on text. "This is amazing and energizing! I'm so happy to be here. I'm sad I missed you."

There was lots of signage, but I decided to skip doing it myself so I could take lots of pics. There was one in particular, one of 50-100 that I took, that touched me the most.

And though she be but little she is fierce.


  1. Great to hear your perspective of this historical event!

  2. Thanks. It's a little washed down, I must admit. There was hope, but there was also an underlying theme of rage, which was energizing. I'm posting lots of signs on Instagram, but since most of my daughter's friends follow me there, I'm trying not to post the more controversial ones. Overall, it felt very historic. I'm glad I made the trek.

  3. Thank you for sharing this. My sister and I marched in two different Canadian cities with our sons (5 boys aged 10 and under) and my 72 year old mother marched in her city. I saw so many of my allied hospital colleagues and several female physican colleagues. My sons (who proudly made and carried signs saying "no bullying")asked when we could march again. This is historic, but I fear for all of us if everyone doesn't speak up. Rachel Carson (@momneph) Nephrologist

    1. That's awesome. I wished my kids could have come. I was so happy when I read before the march that it was spreading worldwide. There is a lot of fear right now, and lots more marches. Such a crazy time in history.

  4. What a day, great to see you there amidst the many marching (rallying)! Thanks for the post, for my take on the middle school marchers, see upcoming post...


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