Saturday, October 30, 2010

scary doctors?

...for Halloween, that is. Anyone's kid dressing up as a doctor? Girl (6) is choosing to be a veterinarian (close!) and boy (4) is choosing to be a, well, Michael Jackson (who shall we say, had enough doctors). Any Halloween plans? We happily hay-rode and picked and carved our pumpkins way too early, kept them inside on the countertop safe from squirrels, hence the mildew and caving in on themselves, before we donated them, alas, to said squirrels. All in advance of 10-31.


  1. Someone bought my daughter a pair of green scrubs last year, and she does have, somehow, TWO doctor's kits. They had trick-or-treating at the hospital where I work last night and I was tempted to do the doctor bit. She seemed amenable to it, but then at the last minute, I felt weird about it. Also, she has a costume that she really loves: Supergirl Cheerleader! (don't ask)

  2. Hey Fizzy, Supergirl Cheerleader and doctor in scrubs, essentially one and the same :-)

  3. No doctors here. We have a Tinkerbell and a Fireman, along with their pregnant nun mom. Think a hay ride/pumpkin patch is in our forecast tomorrow.... Happy Halloween, T!

  4. Ha KC! That's Dr Pregnant Nun Mom. So, did you explain that to your kids?

  5. My son was a STOP sign (his request and the first costume I'd ever made) and my daughter was some kind of fairy.

  6. My daughter was supposed to be Ariel from the little mermaid, but she was so poorly behaved that day that I cancelled halloween. She is only 4, but she was in serious meltdown mode and staying up late to collect candy just seemed like a *bad* idea.

    I am a vet and my daughter has a pair of pink scrubs with "Dr. Finley" on them. She insists that she can go to work with me and help me "save the animals." The last time she spent a long period there, a dog had serious bloodout bloody diarrhea. She pinched her nose and would not leave my office. Can't work in the medical field without something smelling nasty.


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