Thursday, March 26, 2009

Seriously, I wanna know...

Do you have a favorite season? Does your favorite have anything to do with work/school? Winter for Pediatricians is like tax season for accountants - busy! In the spring, we are starting to pull out of cough, cold, flu season, but the days in the office can be unpredictable. Having just had a run of influenza at our house, I'd say home is unpredictable, too. Fall was my perennial favorite for many years - still some daylight when I left the office, boys in the groove of school, family vacation during Fall break. Our school system changed their schedule a few years back and did away with the Fall break - shattering it into several teacher work days scattered through the semester. Vacations shifted to Spring break to compensate. I've found myself looking forward to summer more and more - the more free-form home schedule, warm weather, flip flops (wish I could be OSHA compliant in them at work!) and lighter schedule at the office even with partners on time off. So my answer: Summer!

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  1. I LOVE SUMMER!!! Going to the beach, picnics at the park, seeing my toddlers in their swimsuits w/ their toddler tummies hangin' out, shorts and sleeveless shirts, watermelon, grilling outdoors, dinner on our patio, outdoor concerts, farmers' market, my tomatoes coming in, flowers, peaches, .... I could go on all day :)

  2. I'm a Fall gal. Don't know what it is about Fall, but I love it. It's by far my favorite season.

  3. I love autumn too. The color of the leaves, the aroma of wood-burning fires in the chilly air, fruit pies in the oven, Christmas coming...

    But I must admit the first few sunny, breezy days in spring are like magic.


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