Monday, October 27, 2008


Okay, I think I finally figured it out. Last year I remember talking to a colleague who told me he exercised at 4 in the morning before work. I looked at him like he was crazy. Turns out he wasn't so crazy after all. I discovered if it's something you love to do (dressage horseback riding) AND you don't want to take time away from the kids and the husband, it's a PERFECT time to do it. Not only that but you get there quicker since there's no traffic - and no one is there so you get the whole place to yourself!! It has completely eliminated the guilt I felt when I rode post call because I was either missing picking the kids up from school, or missing eating lunch with my hubbie. Not only that, the post call days weren't even that predictable and progress with riding was haphazard. This way it's 4 days a week guaranteed (Thursday is staff conference at 6:20). PLUS there's the extra added benefit that I come to work completely happy and relaxed, so no matter how bad the day goes I just remember my ride in the morning and I automatically get that meditative wash of "yah, but I got to RIDE this morning!"


  1. I agree - exercise first thing in the morning is the way to's just a manner of being disciplined enough to keep it up! Good luck.

  2. I think the key here is that it's something you love to do. Unfortunately, there is no form of physical exertion that fits that category for me.

  3. I am impressed. I did exercise early in the morning before work, around 5am, for a year between college and med school. You're right. It was awesome. I worked out at the gym and then went running with a girl friend of mine. It got me in a great mood, gave me so much energy, and I was in terrific shape because as long as I hauled myself out of bed (which was most days), there was nothing to derail my exercise plan for the day yet. Somehow it seems impossibly hard now with 3 kids who all wake up early, including a baby who wants breastmilk at the crack of dawn. Maybe when they're a little older, if I'm not too out of practice? For now, I have relegated exercise to an after bed and weekends when my husband is home activity.

  4. 4:30am is the right time for me also. I am an Anesthesiologist who works very long hours and if I don't go first thing in the morning it is too easy to find excuses to not exercise.

  5. Wow, when do you sleep? Good for you for working this in. I used to be a jogger, then post-baby became a walker/stroller for a while.

  6. When I had only 2 children I was able to be up and to the gym when it opened at 6 am, but now that there are 4, I can't seem to force myself up to so it. It doesn't help that my 1 year old is into a habit of waking 2 or 3 times a night again...


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