Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Advice on potty training!

Hello fellow MiM,

My little C turned 3 about a month ago. After she adjusted to pre-school at about 2 and a half, her teacher told me she was ready for potty training. In fact, I think the whole process took less than a week! In 1 week, she went from diapers to pull ups to underwear. And a week after, she stopped wearing night time pull ups.

Of course, she wouldn't let me get away with it that easy!

It's been about 6 months since this happened and she still refuses to poop in the toilet. When she needs to go poop, she'll bring me a pull-up and tell me "I need to go poop." I believe a big part of her fear of pooping in the toilet is because she's always pooped standing up as soon as she could pull herself up to stand. Overall, it's not too big a nuisance except when there are times we go out and I don't bring a pull-up and we have to rush home so she can go poop.

Then there have been times that we couldn't go home and she would just hold her poop. I figure in these desperate times that she would just go in the toilet but nope! Doesn't matter how long, she will hold it and eventually go poop at home in her trusty pull-up!

I used to be frustrated but I could sense that I was stressing her out so I stopped (after she pooped in her pull-up, she would ask "are you mad mommy? don't be mad mommy!"), hoping one day that she'll just figure it out. I mean, we all eventually figured out how to poop in the toilet right?

I have tried a lot of different techniques including different types of toilet seats, lots of bribery whether it be with candy or TV time, and even hiding all the pull ups. But she is stubborn, none of these have worked and I always cave because I don't want her to get constipated.

Any advice?

Just let it be? (This has been the approach from the past 3 months but I don't see her changing her mind at all about wanting to go in the toilet!)

Thanks in advance!

X-Ray vision


  1. When you get an answer(s), I need them too. My just 3yo, aka Blur2, could be potty trained if it weren't for the poop!

  2. Our little guy took FOREVER to poop in the potty, even though he was pee trained right around 3. We just kept encouraging him and finally at about 3 1/2 he started going in the potty, and it took about 2 months for him to be consistent about it (he still wears nighttime pull ups even at 4, he just isn't neurologically mature enough I guess). He just finally decided he didn't want to wear diapers any more and that was it. I think peer pressure was really big in this too.

  3. Have you tried having her squat on the toilet to poop? That was a game changer for us in the poop department.

  4. I have boy/girl twins who just turned 4. Same issue with both of them - my daughter one day this past summer just decided on her own to use potty for poop, but my son still wants the diaper. We have bribed w m-m's, trucks from dollar store, etc. I've let it go and figure he will use the toilet when he is ready. The pediatrician told me to give him miralax everyday for a month and put him on toilet every am and pm, but I did not feel aligned w that advice so I have not. When he says he has to poop, I do ask him everytime, "Do you want the diaper or try the potty?" And he always says diaper, and I always just say "ok!" Maybe I should take the Drs advice or be doing something differently, but I just feel like there is enough to worry about and do, and it will come when it comes. Good luck!!!

  5. We had a goodbye diapers party and that was it. No more diapers or pull ups. When she refused to poo in the potty she really had no other option. She went in her panties a few times but when she realized all her favorite new panties were being thrown out after nasty poops she started going in the potty no problem.

  6. I agree with @Boxes for Dr. Mommy above - don't buy anymore Pull-ups and give lots to drink and fiber. There will be destroyed underwear but eventually you will have success. Shoot - I wouldn't poop on the potty either if all I had to do was hand you a Pull-up and say I have to go poop :-)

    Don't buy any more Pull-ups and have the raisins and Miralax handy because I'm sure she'll get a little backed-up.

  7. If she is trying to poop in a regular toilet & her legs dangle down it is physically more difficult, so get a step that she can plant her feet on. Also, be aware of any constipation - often kids who experience painful stooling then withhold, which creates a bad cycle. It takes a long period of painless BMs before they forget the discomfort. (Peds)

  8. If she is trying to poop in a regular toilet & her legs dangle down it is physically more difficult, so get a step that she can plant her feet on. Also, be aware of any constipation - often kids who experience painful stooling then withhold, which creates a bad cycle. It takes a long period of painless BMs before they forget the discomfort. (Peds)


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