Thursday, May 7, 2015

MiM's most viewed posts 2008-2015

Just for fun, thought I would post the 10 MiM posts that have had the most pageviews to date. Mind you, our posts go back for 7 years and number of views is determined by many factors including what shows up on search engines and links from other sites. But, thought it would be fun to take a walk down MiM memory lane.

1. A day in the life of a neurosurgeon - seriously?  by GCS15. This was part of our Day in the Life Topic Week from 2009.

2. When breastmilk isn't best  by Fizzy, 2012. The title alone attracted many views and commenters, including some non-MiM breastfeeding activists who clearly did not read/get the post. Check out the great discussion on "gunk" (on pump parts) in the comments.

3. Guest post: Why it's all worthwhile (or what keeps me going) by GCS15 in 2010. A personal favorite. So inspiring.

4. Why you absolutely need to have a baby during residency by Fizzy, 2012. Another great and provocative title. Again we see Fizzy's signature use of humor to make her points and win over the audience!

5. MiM Mail: (Un)happy match day - It doesn't matter what YOU want, 2015. Our community came together in support of this MiM - we felt her struggle and all wanted to help. Any updates?

6. The opiate endemic and us by Genmedmom, 2013. Thoughtful commentary about a difficult, serious issue in patient care.

7. Why is residency so harmful? (And what can we do about it?) by Genmedmom, 2014. Another thoughtful commentary about medical training and sometimes toxic culture that comes along with it.

8. Maternalism by JC (a cardiologist), 2010. A wonderful post trying to reconcile comfort, evidence-based medicine and the post-paternalistic era of medicine.

9. Guest post: The two kinds of mothers in medicine, by Jess, 2014. Generated great discussion about balance and working mothers' guilt (or lack thereof). We're lucky to have Jess as a regular contributor now.

10.MiM Mail: Anesthesiology or psychiatry? 2014. Apparently, a much-researched question!

Do you have favorites not represented here? Feel free to add in the comments.


  1. Thanks for posting these. What a trip down memory lane. I Used to be so eloquent…

  2. Thanks KC. I've read GCS15 Day in the life of ... before, and enjoyed reading it again just as much. It was also interesting to read over my post, and all the very many wonderful comments. Just as uplifting now as they were then. Love Cutter's latest post too.


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