Saturday, September 6, 2008

watching from the sidelines

First swim lessons this weekend for Just Four. As a former lifeguard, current mother and pediatrician, one would think that I could have taught her some swimming basics. But despite our best intentions and her inquisitive nature, my daughter has a hard time learning from her parents. She knows Dr Mommy is the best at putting on band-aids. And that daddy can rock out on the guitar. However, our teacher-centered little girl who is frequently found to be instructing her stuffed animals in all of life's lessons, appears to learn best from Other People. We struggled with which class to choose, one in which we parents could wade in the water too versus one in which we were banished to the sidelines (instructor to parents "Step away from the pool"). Choosing the latter proved to be a wise move, as she made us proud, nervously saying Goodbye and then completing her first lesson, bubbles, floating, gliding with an occasional wave to Dr Mommy, who, behind a glass wall was watching her daughter learn and grow on her own. Needing me but not needing me. Oh, yes, and my needing her.

1 comment:

  1. I, too, have a girl who learns better from anyone but me (and Daddy, too, I suppose). good for you for making the right choice, and now you get the joy of cheering her for accomplishments that are all her own, which is so satisfying and beautiful. swim lessons are our favorite things all summer.


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