Thursday, September 25, 2008

Seriously, I wanna know...

Jay Leno needs five. Albert Einstein needed ten. Leonardo da Vinci took his in 15 minute intervals. Hours of sleep, that is. How many hours do you need to feel human? Do you catnap?


  1. Leno only needs 5?! Wow I hadn't heard that. I need at least 8 to function properly.

  2. I need eight. I get seven plus. I never nap, not even when I had newborns.

    I started giving myself eight hours a night in medical school, when I realized the extra couple of hours improved my learning more than the extra anatomy review.

  3. I need 8 to feel good but I can usually function with 7. I usually get between 7 and 8, but that's not due to not allowing time to sleep, but rather waking up a lot during the night due to having become an ultra light sleeper (thank you, baby and residency).

    I like naps but I try to avoid them because I often wake up feeling disoriented and then can't sleep that night.

  4. I hail from a family of sleepers. I get 7-8. Any less than that, my sleep deficit builds and I end up falling asleep at random times. I am that sleep sensitive.

    If I had the opportunity to nap (kids otherwise occupied on the weekend), I totally would. I can sleep on demand. Anytime. Anywhere.

  5. I function optimally with 8.5 If I have call every 4th night I need about 9-9.5 on the non-call nights so as not to develop a deficit. Being diligent about getting enough sleep during medical school has allowed me to learn better and retain my sanity.

    I don't know how I'm going to survive residency.

  6. i get about 9.5 to 10 hours a night. all my friends make fun of me for going to bed so late.... None of my classmates sleep more than 7 or 8 hours a night.

  7. Function best on 7.

    CAN function on 2 if I can shower and gulp down a grande americano

  8. I'm better with 8-10.

    I usually function on 6-7 and then life starts beating me down.

    I haven't felt rested since medical school. That was 12 years ago.

  9. It all depends on the day. If I chose to sit up and watch something on TV, I can either sleep through my shower time, or I can get up and go with less sleep. I'm the typical student, trying to get a job on the ambulance service on overnights. I'll get back to you on that sleep thing.

  10. I honestly didn't know how I would survive 3rd year of med school, but I did, averaging 6-7 hours per night. Optimal is 7-8 for me. Residency is next year, so I am trying to save up all the sleep I can now! :)

  11. I get 6-7 but I must be sleep deprived because I can fall asleep anywhere, any time. A 10 minute cat nap really restores me.

  12. Can't cat nap, but occasionally I like 2-3 hour afternoon naps. I function best on 9 hours, wake refreshed, but usually get 4-6.

  13. I function best 3 or 6. In undergrad, when I worked 3 jobs and took 21 credit hours a semester, I slept for 2 hours at a night. During graduate school, where I worked 4 jobs, and went to two different schools, for 2 different Master's programs, I obtained 1 or less per night! Uggh! Too many 25 page papers due each week.


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