Sunday, May 16, 2021

My 12-15 year old son


Hi, yes, I have a two lovely children, a 17 year old daughter and a 12-15 year old son.

As a mother in medicine, emphasis here on in medicine, I was offered the COVID vaccine and jumped at the chance, way back in 2020Yes, it was December 2020 when it was first available to health care providers like me.  Then came the tiers and the categories.  It’s been a long wait, as various extended family members obtained their appointment slot (some more and some much less easily than others, but that’s another story for another day).  My daughter became age eligible for the vaccine and is now presumably immune, but what about my son?

My son.  How old is he?  I could only think of him as a 12-15 year old!   Not 14 but 12-15, indeed.

And what joy it was to see the many sizes and shapes of  "12-15 year olds" lined up last week to get vaccinated on the very day it became available.    

We’re getting there.  #ThisIsOurShot


  1. Hooray for your son! And for my 13 yo son who got his first shot on Friday. I know what you mean about the joy in seeing the "sizes of shapes" of everyone waiting. That leaves our 10 yo and I know he feels a little left out.

  2. Ah, and I hear you. It's bittersweet in that way, when some family members are and some aren't. And oh so heavy when racial injustices and both local and global health inequities are all too prevalent.

  3. My 16 yo son just got his second last week. So now our blended family is fully vaccinated, except for the elementary aged kiddo my ex and kid's stepmom have. It is such a good feeling sending him to his summer sno cone job knowing he is almost fully safe from Covid.

    1. Getting there! And more trials underway for the younger folks. Enjoy lots of outdoor time this summer too.


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