Friday, November 13, 2015

Entertaining injury

Just wanted to share a quick story that has made me smile to myself all day today... Last night, I started cooking poorly planned stir fry for dinner while my two-year old daughter was playing with some toys around the kitchen island. While veggies and tofu were sizzling, I started reaching for a few items for sauce, and had the terrible realization that we were somehow out of soy sauce. Ack, I told my daughter! But bad mommy- as I scrambled to throw together some alternative marinade, I didn't keep a close enough eye on her, and in a total of about 5 milliseconds, she managed to pull out a giant glass jar of applesauce from the pantry (when I lamented we were out of soy sauce, she heard "apple sauce" apparently haha). She triumphantly yelled out, "Mommy, I found some sauce for you!!" came over to me, and held it up to me over her head. It slipped out of her hands. ONTO MY FOOT. Mother*%!?!**!!!!!! I fell to the ground in agony. The ensuing events are what have made me crack up and smile to myself all day... she immediately retrieved her beloved comfort cloth/rag, which she calls Addy, and ran back to offer it- "Mommy, here's Addy, here's Addy, feel better?!??" She then proceeded to stroke my back with urgency and say, "It's okay mommy, it's okay, you're okay, feel better? Need a kiss? Let me kiss your foot. Better now, Mommy? Need some ice? Here's some ice. Better now??" This circuit of questioning and comforting went on and on for several minutes in her high pitched concerned voice. I was tearing up and laughing simultaneously- it was like she was doing a condensed/abridged performance of all the things we've ever said to her when she gets hurt, haha...  Despite all the pain and my bruised foot, I'm very comforted to know she's internalized these things and knows how to mobilize to help others. And yes, of course her kisses made my boo-boo better :)


  1. Awwwww!! That is super cute. Thanks for sharing!

  2. I love it when my boys reflect back on me in the good way and not in the "cover your mouth when you cough, momma" reprimand I got this morning.

    1. haha that is hilarious... they are really little sponges but it's good to know at least they are listening and paying attention!

    2. Yes! I hate when I hear my nagging voice right back at me, its so nice every once in a while to see that I'm passing on some positive interactions!

  3. This is great! I was laughing while reading this. How old is your daughter? Mine becomes worried and cries if she feels she's hurt or upset anyone, but I think it might just be her age.

  4. This is great! I was laughing while reading this. How old is your daughter? Mine becomes worried and cries if she feels she's hurt or upset anyone, but I think it might just be her age.

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