Thursday, February 20, 2014

Introducing myself...

Hello MiM community!

I am so pleased to  be joining you!  A little bit about me... (as stolen from my bio...)

I am a psychiatry resident.  I am very happily married to Hubby, who is also a resident, and I have a sweet and loving daughter, my little Doll, who made her grand entrance in the summer of 2013.  I like to read, write, and google useless things throughout the day.  Some of my goals include reading more psychiatry and less on google, exercising, eating more vegetables and less chocolate, starting to write a novel, and being the best mother/wife/doctor I can be.

I've been reading MiM for years.  It started when I was googling "lifestyle of an ob/gyn" and along came a list of entries written by various MiMers about a day in the life in their field.  I've been hooked ever since!

Anyways, just wanted to say hello!


  1. Welcome! I too thought I'd do ob/gyn but as an ms3 am leaning towards psych

    1. There's reproductive psychiatry, which I hope to do, work with the same patient population as I would have in obgyn, but in a much more family friendly field!

  2. Welcome to MiM, looking forward to reading your posts, and sharing virtual vegetables AND chocolate. Curious if H is also a resident in psych or some other field. But I shall await your posts in this space!

  3. Welcome :-) May be the (blogging) force be with you.


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