Saturday, May 11, 2013

The Last Bu-bu

WE DID IT!!!  When I started breast feeding I was determined and optimistic!  But, as I persisted I got discouraged more times than I could remember.  There were latching problems, cracked nipples, thrush and the pumping!  PUMPING SUCKS!!!!  I celebrated when we hit the one year mark and I stopped pumping.  My plan was to allow my baby girl to self wean.  Well, she wasn't interested.  I stopped pumping but kept making LOTS of milk, so we persisted with morning and nighttime feeds.  When my baby girl was a year and a half I left the lab and went back to surgical residency hours.  My initial stint on transplant kept me at work around the clock and I felt for sure that my milk would dry up.  Miraculously it didn't and "bu-bu" time became a special time with me and my baby girl in the midst of all the chaos.  Well, the time has finally come.  Baby girl is losing interest, I've basically stopped making milk and my baby girl is a smart, amazing, beautiful big toddler now.  She hasn't had bu-bu in a week.  I put her to sleep by telling her princess stories or stories about my "doc-tur house" while she lays her head on my chest.  I'm a bit sad our "bu-bu" time is over but amazing grateful for the two and a half years we had of this amazing connection.  I'm incredibly proud of our accomplishment that survived even the insanity of residency and as always I am crazy in love with my beautiful child.  I can't wait for all the new memories we will make together.

Now off to pick some strawberries!  Happy Saturday!


  1. A huge accomplishment and beautiful gift for you both. May you have precious time together for a very long time to come.

  2. My kids, at 10 and almost 8, are long past nursing. But I still have occasional nursing dreams. I liken them to flying dreams - they are wonderful and relaxing and the biggest high on the planet. Your accomplishment is amazing, congratulations! Wishing you lots of nursing dreams . . .

    1. Thanks for the reply. Jus the thought of nursing dreams gives me a happy sense of calm! I'm already looking forward to them!

  3. You are absolutely amazing for breastfeeding your child for 2 1/2 years through surgical residency. Thank you for this post.


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