Monday, April 26, 2010

Your alternative career

RH+'s last post got me thinking about choice of specialty.

I am pretty happy with my choice of PM&R as a specialty. Right now, I'd say I'm about 90% happy with that choice. But.... about 10% of me kind of wishes I had become a neurologist.

I took neurology as a rotation before PM&R and I really loved it. It was one of the few rotations where I didn't mind putting in ridiculously long hours. I won't get into all the things I liked about it, but suffice to say, a lot of people tell me I should have become a neurologist. I think it's because I'm a HUGE NERD. Why I didn't become a neurologist is a long story, but like I said, I'm 90% happy with my decision as of now. But if I weren't a physiatrist, I would definitely want to be a neurologist.

So your challenge is to complete the following sentence:

If I wasn't a ____________, I would probably be a ___________.

Feel free to complete the sentence even if neither of the blanks can be filled with a medical specialty. (Example: "If I wasn't a lawyer, I would probably be a zookeeper.") And feel free to explain your answer. What you are NOT allowed to do is say something like, "I love being a urologist so much that I can't imagine doing anything else, and if the field didn't exist I'd just have to throw myself off a bridge!" I mean, yes, you could say it, but I'll secretly think you're full of it.


  1. If I weren't a classical singer, I would probably be a physician. I don't know if that counts, since the process is currently in progress!

  2. If I wasn't an oncologist I would probably have done pathology. I love the way cells tick and what makes them normal and abnormal. That said I think I would miss the patient contact and the relationships.

  3. If I wasn't a doctor I'd probably be a playschool presenter.
    (Not sure if playschool is a world wide phenomenon) I was torn between doctoring, flying and acting...still trying to work out how to combine all three and often feel frustrated at the lack of creative outlet. Although I have just started writing some lessons and case studies for medical students and thats pretty good for the creative juices!

  4. If I wasn't a doctor I would be a recreational therapist!!!!! These are the people who visit people in hospital and nursing home with the therapy animals and play games with them.

    Also when my kids finish school, I want to spend half the year being a cruise ship doctor and half the year with doctor without orders or some other aid organization.

  5. If I wasn't a pediatrician, I'd be a photographer. Or a wedding planner. Or the fashion police.

  6. If I wasn't planning to become a doctor and I was still single and childless I would be a high end, NY party planner. I love organizing events and meeting new and interesting people.

    I am happier being a mom that is going to be a doctor though. I do not know how fulfilled I would feel planning parties the rest of my life. Also, when the party is over, it is over.

  7. OK, now *I* feel lame for my neurologist comment, because everyone else is coming up with other jobs. Probably if I wasn't a doctor though, I'd be an actuary or something, which is incredibly not-exciting.

  8. If I wasn't a med student, I would be a storm chaser (#1), a mountaineer (#2), travel writer (#3), or Alaska River guide (#4).

    MS3 Mommy

  9. If I weren't a neurosurgeon, I'd be a volcanologist. What an awesome thing to study the raw forces of nature! Hawaii's Volcanoes National Park is endlessly fascinating to me.

  10. If I weren't a pharmacist, I'd be a librarian, or a chef. Of course, cooking is like pharmacy is like labwork, so I'm not sure if that truly counts as a job change. All those books! I might never get anything done, because I'd be reading all the time....

  11. If I weren't a medstudent (soon to be resident -> boards in a week where I live!), I'd be a music therapist or an anthropologist.

    As for the specialty, if I weren't going in peds, I'd be an anesthesiologist.

  12. If I wasn't a pathologist I'd probably be an astronaut. I always wanted to spend a huge chunk of my life in outer space. I got a nice scholarship to a college to enter their aeronautical engineering program, but I chickened out at the last minute 'cause I was only 16 and that college was too far away from home.

  13. If I wasn´t a student working on medical school, I would, well, I don´t know. Probably flipping burgers somewhere or otherwise working in a restaurant of some kind.

  14. If I wasn't a corporate lawyer, I would probably be a doctor, or a professional matchmaker, or a tourguide. I love reading your MIM posts, setting up friends, and showing people my city. It's hard to be passionate about drafting contracts all day, even though it pays well and it's low stress.

  15. If I weren't a PA, I'd be a pastry chef or a wedding planner or a independent bookstore/cupcake shop owner.

  16. Well, this is funny in the context of your post. I am a neurologist (pediatric) and if I had known about PM&R (specifically peds) when I was in school, I might have chosen that! That said, though, I do like my job. Or I could do home renovation!

  17. If I weren't an emergency physician, I'd be an ob/gyn. Or FP. And if I weren't a physician at all... in reality, I'd probably be a journalist. In my dreams, I'd be a children's book author :).

    Great post, Fizzy, as always!

  18. Well, if we're counting dream jobs, I'd probably be a writer.

  19. If I weren't a vet student, I would be an aerial dancer/acrobat -- stationary trapeze and silks. (Actually I'd probably be a cell/molecular biology researcher, since that's the other thing I am in real life, but if money were no object and I could do anything besides veterinary medicine, it would be the circus. At least for 3 or 4 months out of the year!)

  20. If I wasn't a junior doctor, I would probably be a physiotherapist or midwife. In my dreams I'd be an interior designer or maybe a journalist or a baker...unfortunately i'm not the most creative of people.

    (I'm in Scotland, we do two years of junior house officer jobs-like intern year- before choosing something to stick with for life...or a few years anyway)

    I also spend a lot of time thinking of other potential careers but some how medicine sticks...

  21. I've met many physicians who have chosen to pursue non-clinical career opportunities because of their dissatisfaction with clinical medicine. It's really not a bad option.

  22. If I weren't a medical student, I'd probably be either a kindergarten teacher, a crazy social activist, or a toy store proprietor.

  23. If I wasn't a medstudent, I'd be a farmer. I'd raise my own sheep, spin the yarn into wool, and knit. Oh, and grow my own veggies too:)

  24. If I weren't in primary care, I'd be a pediatric neurologist. Or a pastry chef. Or in my best dreams, the caretaker of a Caribbean Island.

  25. If I were not a anesthesiology resident, I would have been an CRNA. If I were not a doctor, I would have been a comparative morphologist (how extremely geeky is that?). If I were to have my dream, dream job, I would be a photographer.

  26. If I were not a anesthesiology resident, I would have been an CRNA. If I were not a doctor, I would have been a comparative morphologist (how extremely geeky is that?). If I were to have my dream, dream job, I would be a photographer.

  27. Great question! I had once said

    But maybe I'll paint or do pottery instead.

  28. If I weren't a surgeon, I would be an architect-- with a heavy hand in interior architecture and design. I enjoy constructing, creating and craftmanship.

    Within the med-iverse, if I weren't a surgeon I would be a psychiatrist. And if *that* part of me couldn't be a psychiatrist, it would be an anthropologist.

  29. If I wasn't a pedi resident I'd have been a child psych resident. If I wasn't a resident at all (and how AWESOME would that be?!?), I'd be in the food industry in some fashion.

  30. Funny, I'm always joking with my husband about this: If I weren't an endocrine fellow, I would be a roller coaster tycoon. It's actually a (very addictive) computer game I used to play for hours on my rare days off during residency. Seriously though, I've always daydreamed about how fun it would be to design amusement parks and roller coasters for a living.

  31. I think about this I am not sure I still want to be a doctor. I have a lot of choices, but right now the top 3 are....If I were not a doctor, I would be a teacher, a librarian, or a rabbi

  32. If I weren't a med student, I would become a full time flower farmer. There something magical about digging my hands in the soil, watching little seeds come turn into magestic flowers. Not real sexy, I know. But there is nothing that a day in the garden can't fix after a crazy week in school.

  33. If I was not an (aspiring) physician, I would be a ballet dancer.

  34. If I were not a physician I would be a professional crossword puzzle creator and competitive Scrabble player

  35. If I weren't a political science professor, I would own my own restaurant.

    I *love* how the alternative universe here has so much pastry, so many gardens, wonderful weddings, beautiful interiors and lots of roller coasters!

  36. Love it! One of my favorite games is "Fantasy Back-up Career". I have an art degree, but artist isn't one of them. Maybe a political cartoonist.

    1. Next Food Network Star 2. Stand up comedian (especially for bar mitztvahs. I am great with fart jokes). 3. Own a small bakery / restaurant called "Almost Healthy" 4. Pundit. If I was a rapping pundit, I could be Pun-ditty. 5. Politican. I would have to run in Chicago or New Jersey, though, because I have a lot of skeletons in my closet.

  37. If I wasn't a medical student (aspiring ob/gyn), I would be an organic farmer and raise my own livestock, and open my own restaurant that focuses on seasonal, fresh food... also, I'd offer weddings/ events on my beautiful farmland, in my huge flower garden....

  38. If I weren't a psychology graduate student, I would either be a baker or a college librarian. I love to bake - it's how I relax and it's fun to see other people happy because of something I made. College librarian appeals to me because I could spend all day pretending I never left college, surrounded by books and showing the young'uns that research is cool.

  39. Oh, forgot to add: my two "grad school seemed like such a good idea at the time" backup careers are joining the circus (I think I could handle being the snake lady) or being a truck driver (assuming I can ever learn to drive something larger than my Civic).

  40. If I weren't an airline pilot, I would be a writer-physician.

  41. If I wasn't persuing medical school, I would be a pastry chef with my own farm (vegies/fruits/sheep/pigs maybe even a cow or kids drink a lot of milk!), would love to write a book, be a science teacher, start a baby/kid food company....oh some many things so little time!

  42. If I wasn't a future ob/gyn I would be a police officer.

  43. If I wasn't a family physician I would rescue animals, teach kindergarten, write books or cut hair...eeewww, never mind, I wouldn't cut hair.

  44. Kellie (General Surgeon)May 3, 2010 at 4:07 PM

    If I weren't a general surgeon, I'd be either a dermatologist or an interventional radiologist. Both would still get me on the procedure side of things, but especially derm, a better lifestyle. If I weren't a physician, I'd probably be an operating room scrub technician which is what I was in the military and really enjoyed it.

  45. If I weren't a med student I'd be a stay at home mom. Since having my daughter I've unearthed the extremely crafty side of myself and have LOVED sewing clothes and toys for her, blogging, scrap booking, cooking and doing it all with her in a sling on my hip...

  46. If I wasn't a med student I would be the voice of reason on Real Housewives of NYC. lol. Oh and a wedding planner/ supermom/ ridiculously fit because I would go to the gym EVERYDAY.

  47. If I wasn't a general practitioner, I'd be a gossip columnist in a trashy tabloid or women's magazine

  48. If I wasn't going to be a med/peds resident, I would be a chef/baker. Or a photographer, or a comic book inker. Or a novelist, or a stay at home mom and all of the above!

  49. If I were still a doctor: if I wasn't an ER doc, I would probably be a radiologist.

    Outside of medicine: if I weren't a doctor, I would probably have become an engineer.

    LOL. I don't know what in the world made me choose emergency medicine since it's clear to me now I would have fit into a data-oriented profession better than a people-oriented one. But at this point (after 9 yrs of practice), it suits me and I do enjoy it very much.

  50. If I were not a physician, I would have been an outdoor educator or professional mountain guide


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