Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The things they ask, tell, and strive for

A few things any MIM might hear from her child at any given moment, as mine asked recently...

The question: How do the babies get out?

Different day: How do the babies get in?

A declaration: I know there are a lot of things in the body that are... pink

Overheard, to her friend, Oh, did you hurt yourself because my mother is a doctor so she can help you. And the friend responds, I know you've told me that a million times.

And aiming to serve: I'm going to be a waiter


  1. I was telling my four-year old son last week at bedtime that he used to be in my stomach, and I used to be in Bapcia (Polish for grandmother, my mom's) stomach. Swimming like a fish. He guffawed, like I was telling him a big joke. "You're just kidding mama, right?" When I told him I wasn't, he laughed harder. Guess I'll try again in a few months. I must joke with these kids too much.

    They do say the funniest things. My kids, however, don't tell their friends I'm a doctor. I don't think they want to advert pathology mom as much as pediatrician mom. I'm not quite as glamorous, or useful, in an emergency situation (although I'm pretty good at the mommy boo-boos). My partners and I joke that we are the last doctor you would want to run into if you were in some serious acute trouble. Give us a dead body or some inert tissue any day, over a live emergency. Makes us much more comfortable.

  2. We were at dinner and my 3 year old son pointed at my chest and said "what are THESE?". I said they are my breasts, he then said "They are SQUISHY". My husband was going to crawl under the table.

    Kids are amazing.

  3. We were at dinner and my 3 year old son pointed at my chest and said "what are THESE?". I said they are my breasts, he then said "They are SQUISHY". My husband was going to crawl under the table.

    Kids are amazing.

  4. You forgot to add your answers to the questions! I'd like some stock answers for future inquiries.

  5. Gizabeth- I almost can't believe it myself (how babies get "in" and get "out"). And I had no idea she talks about me with her friends, what a pleasant surprise. Yours are proud of what you do, and I must say, I'm impressed with you too!

    Kellie and KC- I agree, amazing. I am for honesty, proper terminology and all.. oh and diversion, look over there, I think it might be Laurie Berkner! But seriously, I find they sometimes drop the line of questioning (stunned to silence?) if given a brief honest answer. Maybe they'll ask one or two real concrete follow-up questions. So, it went something like this,

    "You know what? You came out right through mommy's vagina. Can you believe it? Really, it's true. Do you want more chicken nuggets with ketchup?"

    Hmmm, perhaps I'll give more tips in a future post...

  6. the best response to this for the young ones is from a book I got to teach my older kid about the younger one's impending birth. It refers to all the anatomical parts, but then says that the baby comes out through the birth canal, which is technically accurate and good for the young kids until they're older to learn more.


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