Monday, February 15, 2010

The resident/mother

In an attempt to keep my creativity from completely disintegrating and also to play with my husband's tablet PC, I've been working on a new cartoon blog. Today's cartoon is the resident/mother:

Resident Profile: The Resident/Mother

I'm not really much of an artist, so, um, please be nice?


  1. Love it, Fizzy! So impressed with your cartoon blog talent. more! more!

  2. Fizzy, I really truly love this stuff. Please keep it coming! "Stages of needing to pee" is my favorite!!!

  3. Thanks! I've been making little rough sketches since my first year of med school when I did some for our humor magazine, so I've literally got dozens of them. Finally decided I may as well put 'em on the internet :)

  4. I am so following this. Dying laughing at the med student Halloween costume - recto-vaginal fistula.

    Keep it coming. Incredible talent.

  5. Aw come on Fizzy, you already know your cartoons are great. My only question is: is this going to be a regular thing for this blog or what?

  6. OMDG: Will be a regular thing on *that* blog, but not on MiM since I don't intend for most to involve being a mother in medicine, so won't be relevant. Unless, of course, I discover nobody is reading the blog, in which case will likely give up.

    (Not that I know how to tell if anyone is reading. Am largely internet idiot... it's actually sort of amazing I figured out how to make the blog at all.)

  7. Ha!!! Fizzy, do keep blog-tooning, please! Also, sometimes platelets are formed when your kidlets drop (accidentally smash?) their plates on the kitchen floor.


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