Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Things I wish I knew in medical school

Things I wish I knew in medical school (and beyond):

-When starting, I wish someone would have told me that the daily grind of medical school would be the hardest thing that I’d ever done to that point.

-The smell of the anatomy lab will eventually fade. With luck, everything you learned there won’t.

-It’s OK to not know what you want to do with your life; spend your time during rotations and clerkships learning as much as you can. Likewise, it’s OK to be completely grossed out by sputum samples.

-Learn to listen to your gut regarding patients and yourself. It’s part of the art of our profession.

-Every once in a while stop to thank your support systems: parents, siblings, friends, significant others, spouses. Med school is a tough row to hoe (so to speak), and they’ve got your back while you’re cramming for yet another exam. Don’t get crazy - you haven’t got that kind of time.

-You’ll never know it all, so don’t panic when you realize you don’t. This profession is built upon learning regularly, so learn to learn quickly and efficiently. And teach what you’ve learned – it’s the best way to reinforce your knowledge and pay back those who you feel were good teachers.

-Above all, remember that you're never alone. Don't be afraid to ask for help.



  1. I agree - you'll never know it all. What's far more important is to know your limits, and to know where to find the information you need.

  2. Medical school is a humbling experience. You start to experience uncertainty of life and death. You start to realize what's important to you, that there are people who love you and that life is precious


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