Friday, September 12, 2008

Next Topic Day: Time Management

On Wednesday, September 17, we'll be writing posts that have to do with Time Management. A frequent question that has been posed on this blog by our contributors and readers alike, is: how to juggle it all? Aside from being cloned, how to manage mothering, a demanding profession and doing everything that needs to be done in a day's time, preferably while maintaining our sanity? What has worked for us? What hasn't? What do we still struggle with?

We hope this Topic Day can provide an exchange of ideas that can help us all. Please join us and send in your tips/solutions/stories to mothersinmedicine AT gmail DOT com by Tuesday, September 16 to be included.

If you missed our last Topic Day where we shared our labor and delivery stories, you can see them here.


  1. Sounds interesting - I'll hope to look in again on the 18th and see if I can offer any ideas and solutions.


  2. I worked with a Covey System, before reading David Allen's GTD book early this year. That led me to an electronic application that allows me to view my entire GTD at work on my Win machine, at home on my Macs and even on my cell phone. And another app lets me call in tasks to my GTD without any writing or typing, great for those thoughts that hit me while driving. I've written about my experiences with GTD in a blog post at John

  3. As a wife, mother, daughter, sister and psychology student ... I'm all for this topic!!!

    This week I have found myself smack dab in the sandwich generational curse caretaking of an elderly patient with some kind of dementia (probable Picks) and had refused to stop driving almost into a public library ... did several thousand dollars worth of property damage ... and totalled her car.

    Then the very next day ... my 18 year old son ... totalled OUR car on the exrpess way ... (his was not his fault, exactly, another driver caused it. BUT his inexperienced driving was partially at fault. Hubby and I would never have been in that situation)

    So here I am ... with a huge test in Psychology on Wednesday, Humanities 2 assignment due, algebra class assignment due ..and family crisis to deal with ...everyone needing my attention ...

    and Pk just wants to crawl into a hole ... minus school books.


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