Thursday, April 7, 2016

When The Doctor Is Sick, Again

Genmedmom here. Coughing, coughing, coughing. This is the third respiratory thing to catch me in as many months. Damn germs, can't get away from them.

I'm apologizing to everyone: my husband, for waking him up all night with my uncontrollable hacking; my kids, for my medicated and exhausted attentions (or lack thereof); my patients, for spewing my droplets about the tiny exam room; my fellow commuters, for daring to get on the train sick.

I'm following all my own advice. I know I've got cough-variant asthma and I'm on top of the Albuterol. I'm taking Dayquil and Nyquil, and snarfing tea with honey and endless Ricola.

But still coughing, coughing, coughing. No fever, non-toxic, I'm eating and drinking and walking and talking and parenting and working and COUGHING.

Not sick enough to call out; miserable enough to want to.

Docs, what do you do?

Never mind, I know the answer. Suck on my inhaler, take Dayquil and Nyquil, snarf tea with honey and endless Ricola, and suck it up.


  1. At some point we have to be able to call out. Your body can't recover without rest.

    And at some point, some asthmatics need steroids. Are you talking to you *own* doctor?

    I actually treat my own URIs (especially the cough-y ones) with hot buttered rum....

    1. That's so funny- After I posted this, I thought of steroids, too…And, uh, no, I didn't talk to my own doctor...

  2. Yeah, I came in to say steroids too. If albuterol isn't doing the job and you're still struggling to breathe, steroids can be such a welcome relief.

    1. I know, I know… You're right. I really shouldn't treat myself.

  3. I hate this position. I feel guilty no matter what I do. Like I've failed by getting sick? So frustrating.

  4. Tessalon perles? I'd never heard of them before my latest clerkship and now I can't get enough of them. I *almost* can't wait to get my own cough (matter of time, I know) so I can try them myself. Codeine works great for night time but these might be good for daytime.

  5. Be sure to have a rast test to check for latex allergy.

  6. I have struggled with this since med school (well childhood for the asthma). The pattern is I get a little viral URI and then it turns on me and exacerbates the asthma or worse turns into pneumonia. I can never take off now I feel. Steroids and a Zpak are what I usually need to get better, but otherwise I live on albuterol, cough drops, diet Mt dew, tea, and a hot toddy if I am lucky at night. I hope you get better asap!


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