Friday, June 13, 2014

The Undeprived Child

Two words which could easily describe my sisters and me growing up would be "deprived children." We never went to the beach, the zoo, the park.  We weren't allowed to roller blade.  We didn't have many friends.  We just didn't experience all that much.  Part of the reason for this was that we were just too poor, but the other more important reason is because my dad was over protective and did not allow us to participate in activities that may get us sick or hurt in any way.

Now I'm a parent myself, and I'm proud that in the last month, my husband and I have taken our Doll to the zoo, the city, and the beach!  Which was a serious point of contention among my parents...

"It's too dirty!!" My mother said.

"It's too hot!" My father said.

Even my older sister who has a toddler and an infant refused to come with us.  "He doesn't like big bodies of water," she said referring to her two year old son.

We went anyway and had a blast, and sent pictures to prove it!  Here's to hoping my Doll can really experience this world... Not like her deprived Mama!


  1. I love providing my children with the things I felt deprived of in childhood. In a way it's like re-experiencing it myself in a better way - a form of healing. I did not grow up poor, but I can relate - I think we all can in one form or another. Great post.

    1. Yes you're right! I can come up with all sorts of psychodynamic theories about why we feel like this :)

  2. My favorite thing in the whole world is giving my child some new experience and watching how happy doing new things makes her. So glad you're getting to experience this too with your own daughter!

    1. I had to answer a "what's your favorite hobby?" recently. That's what I wrote down: taking my child somewhere new for a new experience.

  3. Good for you! I cannot growing up without a sense of adventure and travel. Your kids are going to love life and have a blast!


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