Friday, May 28, 2010

Mothers in Medicine turns 2

This holiday weekend marks Mothers in Medicine's 2nd birthday. Two years ago, I was riding in the car with my husband after a night out, turned to him, and said, "You know what we need? A group blog by physician mothers. To share our stories." A few short, frantic-with-inspiration days later (filled with many, many emails to strangers-now-friends), Mothers in Medicine was born.

It has been nothing short of wonderful to see it grow, to write alongside these amazing women, and build an online community of support.

To help celebrate our birthday, like last year, I've asked our MiM contributors to write about their favorite post they wrote over the past year, and/or their favorite post written by another contributor or guest poster. We also invite our readers to share your favorite posts from this past year - the posts that most inspired you, or that you most identified with-- the posts that left an indelible mark on your being. Send your thoughts to and we'll feature all of these birthday posts over the next week.

But, mostly, thank you for reading, for writing in, for commenting, for being part of this community that gives Mothers in Medicine a  place to share our stories.

Happy Birthday, MiM!


  1. Glad to have been on board for the last 8 months. Happy birthday, KC and MiM.

  2. Happy Birthday- so glad to have found you!

  3. Happy birthday to MiM! I'm so thankful for your awesome brainchild.

  4. Thank you!! Thank you! Thank you! Great idea. Keeps me going when things are crazy (which being a mom in medicine is definitely crazy). Crazy wonderful that is. Most of the time.


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