Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The Difference

So, I made it! I survived the last few weeks of overdrive at the old job, moved halfway across the country, and started my new position a couple of weeks ago. The differences are amazing. The practice I came to is a much larger one, with several doctors and several locations. The offices run like well oiled machines, and the staff is top-notch. Everything is also on EMR, which makes it an interesting learning curve. The work is the same, but I always loved the actual job. The biggest difference, however, is the impact on my family and life.

Instead of having only 4 days off a month, I now average 4-6 calls a month (and this month there are only 3 calls...breaking me in easy). No longer am I mentally dividing myself between work and home every night. I get to come home at night and turn off my brain. When I am not on call, I am free to make plans...go out with friends, take the kids for a walk, go to my little girl's swim lessons. I no longer feel as though I have one foot out of the door at all times. I'm not obsessively checking the hospital census trying to spy potential labor patients. I'm doing what I love to do again, playing with my kids, reading books, going to movies, and seeing live music. I have a life again, and life is good. Mr. Whoo remarked, unprovoked, how happy he was to have "me" back. I had no idea how much of myself had been squelched by my lifestyle. I see the difference with my children, as well. CindyLou exclaimed to me just yesterday, "I love my happy mommy!" I love *being* a happy mommy. It was a scary leap to make, but so far, so good. May the scales of work and life balance tip more favorably for us all going forward, it makes such a difference.


  1. Congratulations! Hope all goes well for you.

  2. So happy for you, dr. whoo. So worth it.

  3. Glad to see there is hope and that balance just *may* be possible.

  4. Congratulations Dr. Whoo! Happy mommy = Happy doctor and vice-versa.

  5. Woo hoo, Dr. Whoo!! ruralobgyn

  6. I glad leaping was worth it! Sometimes it is so hard to make transitions, but I think being a happy mommy trumps all! Here's to courageous changes, happy kids and happy husbands. Keep us posted!

  7. I'm really glad to read it worked out for you and your family. The new practice is lucky to have you!


  8. Congratulations!! Here's to continued happiness and satisfaction in all aspects of your life.

  9. Dr. Whoo has changed her name and is now Dr. Woo-hoo! Sorry, couldn't resist! Good for you. Good for everyone!

  10. How awesome for you! Glad to hear it.


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