Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Yes, we said Facebook

Mothers in Medicine now has a Facebook page, kind of like an adjunct virtual water cooler to the main virtual water cooler (this site). If you're on Facebook, please come by, become a fan, and feel free to post questions/thoughts/links on our Wall. We'll be linking to our blog posts, as well as other interesting links we come across for fellow mothers in the link we recently posted about part-time academic medicine careers --a great resouce with relevant bibliography, considerations, etc --taken from the Society of General Internal Medicine site.

If you're not (yet?) on Facebook, maybe now's the time to take the plunge?

And if you've vowed to never, ever be on Facebook, we understand that too - been there, done that.


  1. Surely!!I would love to.. Do keep updating with newer posts.

  2. You can search facebook for "Mothers in Medicine" or just click on the link in our sidebar.


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