Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Vote for a future colleague! Vote for love!

Mothers in Medicine, our help is needed. Kirby is a MS3 who is a dedicated reader of this blog. She and her fiancee are finalists for a free wedding...but needs votes to win! You can read about their story and vote on the right sidebar for "Kirby and David" at the website. It takes only a minute to vote but could mean making the dreams come true for a future mother in medicine. Voting ends the morning of Sunday, April 5.

I just voted. It took me all of 0.2 seconds.

Good luck, Kirby and David! You'll have to promise to post pictures of the wedding here if you win.


  1. They look like neat people - like what she said about him rounding her corners! Good Luck!

  2. done and done! hope you win!

  3. This is so wonderful... I read this blog regularly, as well as the individual blogs of a number of MiMs. We would really love to win this wedding, I thank everyone for their help!


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