Monday, January 12, 2009

The doctor children's book I'm loving

My daughter is 3 1/2 and we're having fun exploring children's books, now that she can actually appreciate the written word. We have successfully graduated from books-as-teethers, books-for-shredding, and books-for-rapid-page-turning.

It's also much more enjoyable for me as the reader since I'm not as often bored out of my gourd.

We have a couple of doctor-themed books in our house, hoping to give her a better idea of what mama does when she goes to "work." The books are okay, but rather uninspired. Yes, they have protagonists who are doctors, but that's about it. Neither she nor I is excited to read either of them.

But, then we found Doctor Ted by Andrea Beaty and Pascal Lemaitre. It is adorable. Funny. A great cadence to read aloud. Well-illustrated. It has quickly become one of Jolie's (and my) favorites.

Ted is a bear who wakes up, bumps his knee, and decides he needs a doctor. In the absence of finding one, he becomes one. The story follows his adventures of doctoring the people around him at school and at home, brilliant diagnoses included.

An excerpt:

His mother was in the kitchen.

"You have measles,"
said Doctor Ted.
"We should operate."

"Those are my freckles,"
said his mother.
"Eat your breakfast."

Loving this book.

*I received no compensation for this! I just adore this book and thought other Mothers in Medicine might too.


  1. That sounds hilarious! We will definitely check it out. Thanks for the suggestion. We are always looking for more good books.

  2. Dear KC!
    I'm so glad to hear that Doctor Ted has become a favorite in your family!

    If you love funny books, you might enjoy a blog I share with children's authors Julia Durango & Carolyn Crimi where we review funny books for kids.

    Happy New Year and Happy Reading!
    All my best,
    Andrea Beaty

  3. Hey KC: My kids are now much, much, older than your daughter - but I still think I'll check it out. It looks terrific :) Thanks for sharing!


  4. It seems like a fun book to read with the little ones!

    Thanks for sharing. :)

    Might I share a suggestion? Dr. Seuss books are age appropriate, fun, interesting, but at the same time, are full of profound meanings put in a way that children can understand.

    Anti-materialism: How the Grinch Stole Christmas.

    Anti-isolationism and realizing the value in all people no matter what size (or shape etc...) they are: Horton Hears a Who!



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