Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Oh the Places You'll Go!

8/ 01/1997

Dear RH+,

Well here you are…. All grown up and getting ready to start Medical School. The things you are going to experience are going to blow your mind. No matter how hard things get I want to let you know its all worth it. In the future you are happy and love your profession. But, there are just a few tidbits you should know:

Those student loans are really hard to pay back. Don’t take out any more than you need. Also read the book “The Millionaire Next Door” as well as “The Richest Man in Babylon” the summer before you start med school.

Don’t become a D.O. Right now you are sure that you are going to practice rural family medicine, this will change when you start rotating through different specialties. You are being told that being a D.O. will not affect your ability to get into residency. This is not true. You will seek to match in a competitive specialty, and it will be harder for you to get a spot. It will also make it harder to get a fellowship. (This is not meant to spark controversy. I feel my Osteopathic training was outstanding and I love the profession. It was however detrimental to applying for residency positions and I was mislead on this issue when I entered school)

It will all work out. Don’t freak out when you realize that you want to be an OB/GYN. Do what you love. YES, you will be able to have a family and a somewhat balanced life.

SUPPORT you fellow female students/residents when they say they are being sexually harassed. Never just think they don’t have a sense of humor. Never look the other way when people say sexist or racist comments, even if they are your superior, stand up for what is right.

When you are an intern you will be convinced that your Chiefs are evil (well one of them is, but she will get fired). They are not. They really are trying to help you and they are just trying to survive as well.

Don’t eat so poorly as a resident. If you eat a second “dinner” at 3 am, you will, in fact, gain 20 lbs in 6 months.

Nothing I can tell you now will prepare you for having a baby. Just a hint, there is nothing better in the world than seeing your child for the first time. Your heart will grow in the most dramatic way. The nausea, constipation, Mag….. all worth it.

Shave your legs with your left hand. This will help improve your dexterity and surgery skills.

Don't wish away your life (except intern year. It will be awful and life will be significantly better when its done). Enjoy each stage as much as you can.

You husband, family and friends are amazing. Don’t ever take them for granted.
Enjoy the ride!!!


RH+ 11/2008


  1. Love the part about shaving with your left hand! LOL! Wish I'd had someone tell me these things when I started - so true about doing what you love. Great Post!

  2. I will be starting med school in 6 months and will honestly never shave my legs with my right hand again :)


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