Friday, August 5, 2016

Three weeks in

I am three weeks into being an attending and I am writing this to all of those starting intern year (like I was when I started reading this blog), and to all of you in the middle of a long residency and questioning if you can make it through. I am writing this to put your sacrifices into perspective - all the missed recitals and mothers day lunches, the shitty clinic clothes you wear because you can't afford anything else, the many times you leave your spouse to sleep alone at night while you're on call --- I am just three weeks in, but it sure feels really worth it right now.  All I feel right now is joy (Well joy and a fair amount of fear and anxiety!! but mostly joy).  

It feels unbelievable to finally be at this point.  It has been such a long road.  I know being an attending presents lots of new challenges which I am learning about every day.  I know I may not feel so exuberant years from now.  But right now, I'm enjoying it.  I feel thankful to be in a job that I truly love, working with people I respect and feel honored to work with.  I love my patients and feel energized after clinic or a day in the OR.  I also feel very supported by the other faculty.  I feel like that bright eyed, brand new medical student 12 years ago who wanted to "help people." 

Last night, after kindergarten registration, I stared at my worn out sleeping daughter and I was proud of this model of motherhood I have provided for her.  I was proud of our new house, her new house, the house she will grow up in -  I hope one day it will be as dear to her as the house I grew up in just 10 minutes away.  My residency baby - she made me a mother in medicine.  She made me a better person, a better doctor - and every moment of this struggle feels very worth it right now. 


  1. Thank you for this! Struggling as a new fellow with baby #2 and really needed to feel like this was going to all be worth it at some point. Congratulations on your attending job!

  2. Congratulations Cutter!!! So excited for you. I remember my first day here, a little over 10 years ago. One of my partners said, "So I'll bet you feel like you are in the big leagues now huh?" I replied, "Actually I feel like it's my first day at a new school." I was terrified and excited all at once. And it's still worth it ten years later:)

    1. That's so good to hear - I never want this feeling to go away!

      also, can I put in a pathology plug - my path rotation was one of the BEST parts of fellowship, I still try and look at all my cases with the breast pathologist. I wish I could have done more path in med school/residency! I think pathology could have been my second calling!

    2. Pathology IS awesome. We do a blood bank our intern year in my anesthesia program, and you realize just how freaking smart you have to be to be a pathologist.

    3. Blush😊. Y'all are awesome thanks!

  3. Congrats! Love you always, and I needed to hear this :)

  4. Congratulations on making it to the top of the mountain!!! May this feeling (or the memory of this feeling at least haha) stay with you always.

  5. You go girl!!!! So happy for you!!!


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