Monday, May 25, 2015

The end?!?

This morning I walked into my final official overnight call shift of residency. It is surreal to think that just 3 years ago, I began residency. I had absolutely no idea what it took, but having been a pretty good medical student I thought, “I can do this!”

Premedical studies, medical school, marriage, motherhood, and now residency have taught me about my ability to persevere, to thrive, to love and be loved. More so than the extreme highs and lows that come with providing care for a broad range of children from the critically ill to the chronically affected, you realize it is the day-to-day provision of care that is the most long-lasting. What you do on the average day at work, if your colleagues feel supported or unsupported, if your work leaves patients feeling cared for, if you managed whatever major things they were seeing you for, that’s what matters the most.

I think at the end of my shift tomorrow I’ll do a little happy dance to mark the end of an era. I am a lover of daytime work, of seeing the sunshine in the morning, of being at home when my family wakes up. I gladly mark the end of leaving home in the dark and trying not to wake up our toddler as I hustle to find my shoes. I gladly mark the end of back-to-back consult calls from the Emergency Department or outside hospitals for admissions. I sadly mark the end of seeing my favorite overnight nurses and of running efficient rounds. I sadly mark the end of being the “Senior Resident on call” answering questions for outside providers.

The end of residency overnight inpatient call and the beginning of Attending at-home call. Sounds nice to me.


  1. congrats, here is to your sunshine bright future!

  2. Hooray! Wonderful milestone. I haven't done an overnight call since residency (now x 12 years) and do not miss it at all. :)

  3. Congratulations!!! What a wonderful post to describe a wonderful feeling. Good for you!


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