Tuesday, September 2, 2014

What's your idea of fun?

Our health centers are “medical homes” now, so I have to come to accept (but not necessarily embrace) my allotted turn or assignment to work, i.e. see pediatric patients, on an occasional Saturday. Periodically, I am able to trade these away, so they end up being few and far between. After a full day of patient care on a recent Saturday on a recent 3-day holiday weekend, my family (me included) were out to dinner and a colleague happened to be picking up dinner at the restaurant where we were dining. She came over to make small talk, and I mentioned I'd just come from working the whole day.

My young son then chimes in with, “But mom, for you, work is fun, so it’s not so bad.”

And that got me thinking about whether or not it is fun. Of course, there are all kinds of fun. Family fun is our recent amusement/water park trip, swimming in any lake, ocean, or gorge together, and family movie night. My individual "fun" is going on a long run, doing the Sunday NY Times crossword puzzle, or simply sleeping late.

But the perception that work is fun has got me thinking. Indeed, a lot of pediatrics and teaching is, when my patients giggle and the toddlers talk and my students are inspired and inspiring. And my work is gratifying. It feels meaningful. But at times it is heart-wrenching. I’m intrigued that “fun” is how I portray my work to my children, or that this is how they perceive my orientation towards what takes me from them day to day. That this one word (fun) has encapsulated their mom’s chosen career path.


  1. I am pre-med and reading your post about " what's considered fun" resonates with me. Seeing as I find it "fun" when I am able to successfully "juggle". Keeping all the balls in the air is suspenseful, but heart wrenching. Seeing you so far in your career with a family gives me hope.

    I pray to one day be in your shoes.
    Please keep posting these thoughts... you have at least one reader whose intrigued.

    I also blog, it keeps me sane and it is also something I do for fun. Check it out: http://keepcalmnontrad.blogspot.com/

    1. Thanks Toni. And as per your blog, keep calm and keep on the way to medical school, non-traditionals welcome!

  2. I think it really says something (wonderful) that "fun" is how they see your work life. It means they see that you love what you do. What a gift for you and them. I'm thinking about what my children would describe what I do all day. I think they would say that what I do is "important". I'll have to ask them and get back to you.

  3. "Fun" is a balance. Working on Saturdays (I do this on call) is not as much "fun" as working when your kids are in school during the weekdays. I don't feel so bad when I expose my kids to my work and they see how much it fulfills me. I also am grateful when some of my partners take my call (for extra $$) so I can have "fun" with my kids on the weekend instead of being at work:).

    1. I agree completely. Would much rather be freed up for that kind of fun! And it feels so different working on a school day, vs working on a weekend or holiday.

  4. I think in adult terms your work is "gratifying" "purposeful" "fulfilling." And in a child's vocabulary that equals "fun." Fun for kids is something they would do without being asked, something that makes them feel happy and where they lose concept of time. I think its great that this is how your son views your work and your profession! Thanks so much for sharing!!


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