Saturday, November 5, 2011

Treat Yo Self

On a TV show I was recently watching, two of the characters engage in a yearly event called Treat Yourself (or Treat Yo Self). Basically, they spend an entire day pampering themselves. They buy themselves whatever clothes they want, go to a spa, buy a batman costume, etc.

I loved that idea and it made me realize how rarely I do treat myself, even in small ways. While I hardly live in poverty, I am rarely willing to buy myself something in any way extravagant or even a little pricey. Maybe it's my upbringing by two very money-conscious parents.

For example, I was recently at Payless (the height of shoe fashion) buying my daughter some new shoes because I could literally see her little toes sticking out of the soles of her old ones. After we tried on every size 13 children's shoes in the store, Mel picked out a pair that was acceptable. Then I remembered that I needed some boots for the upcoming winter, so I decided to check out the selection.

I found a nice pair of boots that was exactly what I wanted. They were comfortable, stylish, and boots that I could wear at work without looking unprofessional, saving me the trouble of having to change shoes at work. But the thing is, I already have two pairs of boots. One is some ultra warm gigantic snow boots that I wore in the days that I lived within walking distance of work, and the other is a pair of waterproof black boots that smell really bad inside. (Yes, I tried baking soda. They still smell.)

So the new boots were a reasonable purchase. But I had to sit there for several minutes (while my daughter pranced around in a pair of size 6 leopard pumps), trying to justify to myself buying $45 boots when I already have two pairs of boots. I reminded myself that sometimes we spend $45 on a meal. I reminded myself that Carrie Bradshaw spent $40,000 on shoes and $45 is actually pretty cheap for shoes. So I bought the boots.

Clearly, I have trouble with treating myself. I wish I could just let go sometimes and get myself something nice without feeling guilty about it.

How about you? What do you do to treat yourself?


  1. much to my parents' dismay I have no issues shopping.
    These days allowing myself to read something other than Cecil's medicine is an indulgence- but last night, I indulged, and it was wonderful.
    ps- I'm glad you got the boots :)

  2. Yeah, time indulgences are a source of guilt for me too. But I'm slightly better with that.

  3. 1. Love that show.
    2. I'm the same way. I'm a med student with TONS of loans, so everytime I think about buying something for myself I just think about how astronomical my loan payments are going to be already. I wish I could just not worry about it, but it's so tough.

  4. I like nice skin products. Not make-up, but night creams and moisturizers. I used to be a drug-store girls for everything, so I will blame a friend who worekd for Laura Mercier for getting me hooked on the nice stuff. It is expensive, but I don't really spend that much on clothes or shoes and I could care less about my hair. We all have our vices I guess.

  5. Fizzy - I have a friend in the same field of medicine as you, and he recently went out and bought a limited edition classic Porsche that had to be shipped halfway across the country. And that's not his only car, as he uses his Lexus to transport his family around. So don't sweat a $45 pair of boots. :D

  6. Fizzy I am money conscious as well, but I don't treat myself at all. I think I have self worth issues or something because I never seem to think I deserve it. I will kind of accept someone else treating me to things after weeks of debating with me to let them do things for me, which have given a lot of people the wrong impression of me, I'm prideful, but hey it's just me and I don't like people doing stuff for me or buying me things unless I am able to pay them back or something. I apologize this sounded like a sad post, not unlike my others so don't be surprised.

  7. I had a conversation with a post-doc in my dept recently about this. She is 40, and her husband is a college professor in engineering or something like that. Together they have an income of over 120K easily. I was trying to convince her that yes, it was ok to buy a cashmere sweater for $160, and that no that didn't mean she was really extravagant. I did find it amusing that on one hand she's considering staying home and not working (they don't have kids and don't plan on them), but on the other she won't spend more than $20 on any piece of clothing ever. Priorities I guess. So long as she doesn't judge me.

  8. I, too, have no problem shopping, but as a mommy and a doctor, simply don't have the time! It's always "next week... next month..." and before I know it, another year has passed. Such is the life of a Dr Mom I guess. But I'm glad you got the boots (and even gladder you got to watch your daughter prance around in high heels in the store- I treasure times like that with my child).

  9. What does it say about me that when I read the title of your post I thought it would be about prescribing antibiotics for yourself?

    I know what you mean, completely. I make comfortable money (not rich, but ample), but with 5 kids and a stay-at-home husband, things still feel tight. When I was a resident and had fewer kids, I did a LOT of thrift shopping and ebay-hunting and we got fantastic deals on good quality, brand name merchandise.

    Now my time is so much more valuable to me, but I still feel like it's "treating myself" when I buy full-price Lands End snowpants (for the kids!) online (plus shipping!) instead of making the trek to the Salvation Army. Or when I buy all the kids' school clothes at once, in one place, instead of driving to three stores and taking advantage of a bunch of sales and discounts.

    I *did* buy myself some boots on a whim the last time I was out shopping, though, so maybe I'm making some progress. Of course, I was grocery shopping and this was at a Super Target, but it still counts, right?

  10. I love this post. I am saving on facials, waxing, manicures lately by doing it myself. I still did not buy a pair of shoes I decided I needed a year ago (Argument - I have at least 30 pairs of shoeware, nevermind, most cannot be worn at work). I "endulged" myself by going to Europe with my youngest last week. There he was accepted in boarding school for young musicians, so more thousands of dollars shed each month. And yet today I "endulged" by paying
    50$ for 25 home made cupcakes. Selling point - they will be delivered to my son's school on his birthday. Last night I watched a movie instead of board preparation (my husbund took kids to music concert to let me study). So, gulity I am.

  11. I find it much easier to indulge the kids than myself. I can spend on them with absolutely no guilt but the same amt on me has endless angst. It drives hubby crazy especially when I complain about nothing to wear. Some of this comes from frugal upbringing and poor status during residency, some from weight gain during pregnancy and the rest from a hate of trying on clothes in stores. It is slowly getting improving as I have found that when I look good, I do feel better.

  12. It is amazining how you feel better when you look good. Last month I went to women's event that ended with promotion in St John's clothing store. I tried on thousands of dollars worth of different outfits. Even though I bought nothing it felt good to know I could shine on (literally) a red carpet. Felt mentally refreshing, so different from my routine.

  13. Buying the boots was great-- no problem with that. I wanted to give two suggestions if the waterproof boots are worth saving. 1. Buy a product called "sink the stink" from a scuba shop. It can get the stink out of neoprene and it works on anything you can soak in it. 2. Skunk deodorizer for pets- shampoo. This might be messy and too soapy though. Good Luck.


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