Sunday, September 19, 2010

Hello There MiM!

Hello everyone! I am new to MiM and looking forward to learning about everyone here. My name is Laurie Marbas and I am a family doc in rural Colorado. I just finished a stint in the USAF and now my family and I are adjusting to the civilian world. We are loving every minute of it, especially the part of no more deploying!

Just a little bit about my family and I. I am married and when I started medical school (go Texas Tech!) my kiddos were 5, 3, and 10 months. Well, now they are 16, 14, and 12. Needless to say I have a few more wrinkles and not sure about the gray hair because I feel compelled to keep the local beauty parlor in business. During med school my grandmother also lived with us. She suffered through breast cancer my 3rd year and a stroke my 4th so I have learned some tough lessons and am looking forward to sharing these with you all. I also have my own blog at

Again, thanks KC for the opportunity to share.


  1. Welcome! Looking forward to your stories.

  2. I am looking forward to hearing your stories! I am a second year medical student with 3 children, ages 9, 6 and 3. Glad to see you made in through in one piece!

  3. Hi LaughingDoc. I'm a Mother and Caregiver who visits all of you doctors constantly! So I really enjoy reading your side of things because when it all comes down to it, we are all the same basic human beings needing some support, friendship and connections. I have kids, 16 and 13, and am guardian for my brother-in-law after a frontal-lobe TBI. Now we are in the doctors offices regularly for psoriatic arthritis, celiac disease, seizures after TBI (and bacterial meningitis), high cholesterol, asthma, trigeminal neuralgia and now a kneecap tracking thing and pinched nerves. That doesn't count Mom's colon cancer (5 year survivor in a few months). I've always said laughter is what gets us through everything so I look forward to checking out your blog. I just started blogging and have found it to be the greatest stress relief for brain damage. Who knew?

  4. Wow...I wish I had you gals around when I was going through med school. It is tough being a mom, wife, med student(resident/doc) and feel like you are meeting all of demands of each sufficiently. I have learned guilt was a waste of time and laughter was the one thing that would keep me going, well besides a lot of prayer.

  5. Hi there, I might too old to join here, I've been there before, I mean the situation of being a mom and student ... Surely, it was painful and really hard especially when u have no support from ur husband and/or family ...

  6. Luckily I had a good support system. Granted there were some tough times, but my husband understood this had been a dream of mine since I was 10. The one thing I never did do was complain that I was sorry I started it because that would just open the flood gates of I told you so's. So avoid that if at all possible. You put yourself there, so take the good with the bad and lots of prayer! LOL that was definitely my infinite support system.

  7. Welcome!! :) Glad to have you aboard.


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