Showing posts with label pregnancy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pregnancy. Show all posts

Thursday, December 22, 2011

The 20 Stages of Pregnancy

1: Disbelief
"How did what we did that other night create a human life? Is that possible?"

2: Panic
"OMG, how am I going to manage a whole other person?"

3: Denial
"I'll bet my period will come any day now. 30% of pregnancies end in miscarriage."

4: Panic 2
"Oh no! I'm spotting! What if I lose the baby??!!"

5: Fatigue
"I'm so tired all the time. How am I going to manage a whole other person?"

6: Discovery
"Maternity clothes are so cute! Even I look good in them. And I love my Bella Band."

7: Emerging love:
"Aw, she's hiccupping. That's so cute. I love her."

8: Acceptance
"Pregnancy isn't bad at all! I kind of like it! And I get to eat everything I want!"

9: Anxiety:
"Oh god, I'm gaining too much weight. I need to stop eating everything I want."

10: Panic 3:
"I don't feel the baby moving. When I last feel her move? Oh god, oh god. I'm going to press on my stomach and bother her till she moves."

11: Weariness
"For the millionth time, it's a girl, and yes, I AM tired. Should I wear a sign on my chest?"

12: Disgust:
"Look at my giant belly. Nobody will ever find me attractive again."

13: Living it up:
"Let's go out to dinner since we won't be able to do it once the baby comes. Let's see a movie too. An R-rated movie."

14: Dread:
"I won't be able to do anything once the baby comes. This is so depressing. Why did I destroy my life this way? Things were so good before."

15: Cuteness overload
"Lookit these teeny baby clothes! So cute! I can't believe I'm going to have something teeny enough to fit into these teeny clothes!"

16: Fear:
"What if I need a C-section? What if the epidural doesn't wear off? Labor is going to hurt a lot, isn't it?"

17: Weariness 2:
"This baby needs to come out of me RIGHT NOW. I literally can't stand it another minute. I'm going to have sex, eat a jalapeno, and jump up and down till I give birth."

18: Nesting:
"OK, I'm finished cleaning the entire house, assembling the crib, and painting the baby's room. Now I'm going to finish writing my novel."

19: Acceptance 2
"You know what? Whatever happens, I'm good. The baby can come any time she likes."

20: Panic 4:
"Oh no, I'm going into labor! I'm not ready! This is going to HURT!!!!"